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I Help Organizations Combat the Literacy Crisis
Hi! I'm Tiffany and I am the founder of Sugar Cookie Books.

As the voice at the intersection of diversity and kid lit,
I create children's books to inspire, educate and normalize underrepresented and marginalized children with the intention of improving literacy outcomes and in turn positively impacting the talent pipeline.

I'm a Social Impact Author.
With my background as an attorney, EO professional and author of 25+ diverse picture books, I love discussing my "diverse books to talent pipeline" theory, the disparate "reading privileges and biases" that exist in the picture book genre, and the forgotten figures of literacy: Black boys. Really, anything children's books, our children's future and our responsibility to bring literacy rates into the black!
​Book me for
Black History Month
National Family Literacy Month
National Indie Author Day
World Book Day
Career Day
the opportunities are endless!

Leave us a message and we'll get back
to you.

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